3.1.1 Fully Interactive Mode

This is the utility’s default behavior. As the user starts to provide a command for any Repstance Process and then “presses” the “Tab” key, repcli utility will supply the user with the expected possible parameters.

The following example shows the repcli interface displaying the list of all possible commands:

status   exit   help   prepare   remove   alter   reset   clear    validate   show    run    stop    

This example shows all commands starting with “s”:

status   show   stop  

And the next one shows all the possible parameters for the “alter” command:

repcli>alter process=capture id=1
server=   port=   user=   password=   dbname=   name=   autostart=   debuglevel=    ddlinclude=    ddlexclude=    dmlinclude=   dmlexclude=   map=

The repcli has a built-in help facility, which can be invoked to provide detailed “Help” for each of the commands, and is shown below:

repcli>alter help

This command is used to change the Capture or Apply process parameters.

The Syntax is:

alter process=capture|apply id=processID [parameter=value, ...]

Note: The 'id' parameter can not be changed.

The 'name' parameter for a Capture process, as well as the 'capturename' parameter for an Apply process, can be changed only in the case that it has not been provided before - eg. it must be “Unique”.

The process has to exist otherwise the command will fail.

To see available possible parameters, start to use the command.