This is the basic interface format, when used in this mode it will simply supply the result of the process defined and return to the console prompt:
$repcli status process=capture
Capture Process 1, Name: czdt, DB: zdt, Server:
RUN (In Process), Waiting for Transactions
Last Source DB Change : 2019/02/15 15:47:00.410 UTC (0x000006830000319C0004)
Last Captured DB Change : 2019/02/15 15:47:00.410 UTC (0x000006830000319C0004)
Total since 2019/02/25 13:30:00.973 UTC (0x00000683000025750004):
Processing the Transactions : 00:00:58.505
Waiting for Transactions : 00:45:22.859
Average Speed (ops) : 4.683
Transactions: 274 (DDL: 0, Delete: 137, Insert: 137, Update: 0)
Capture Process 2, Name: newcap, DB: mydb, Server: local
RUN (Failed), Waiting for the Next Command, [lookup local: no such host]
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4.1.1 Fully Interactive ModeNext page:
4.1.3 Configure repcli for Remote Access