Home / Repstance User Guide / 7. COMMANDS TO BE USED / 7.15 Control Repstance Processes / 7.15.2 Stop any Capture or Apply Processes

7.15.2 Stop any Capture or Apply Processes

This command is used to stop either a single Capture or an Apply Process or a group of either Capture, or Apply Processes or all configured Processes. The default is to stop everything that is running, if no additional parameters are specified.


  • Endpoint: https://repstance_url/control/process
  • Method: POST
  • Header:
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • X-Token: token
  • Body:
      "command": "stop",
      "parameters": [

Server response:

  • HTTP Status – Status of the command, possible codes are:
    • 200 – if no error occurs
    • 422 – if error occurs
  • Body:
      "Message":"The command execution details",

CLI Syntax:

repcli stop process=apply|capture id=processID

The input parameters are:

  • process – Constant value apply for Apply Processes or constant value capture for Capture Processes
  • id – Identifier of the Process

The output parameters are:

  • Status – Status of the command, possible values are:
    • Error – the command has failed to run
    • Completed – the command has completed successfully
  • Message – The details of command execution