In order to create new “Apply Process” click “Add Process” button under “Apply Processes” tab:
The “Apply Process Configuration” form is opened:
Under “Database Settings” the following parameters should be provided:
Debug level – Level of Apply Process debugging.
Autostart – Determines if the Apply Process must be run automatically.
Repuser – Determines if the Apply Process must represent itself as SQL Server replication process (valid for MS SQL Server database only).
ID – The Apply Process id.
Capture Process name – Name of the Capture Process which is providing the data to be used.
Server, Port, DB, Username and Password are to provide DB connectivity details and might be different depending on selected database type.
DDL Processing – Determines if DDL must be processed based on the user statement or generated based on the dictionary changes. The possible values are:
➢native – to process DDL based on the user statement (default value),
➢dictionary – to generate DDL based on the dictionary changes.
Batchmode – This parameter is to specify transaction processing method. If the parameter is enabled the Apply Process combines and processes set of transactions in a single transaction.
Initial Commit Rate – Determines the number of records to be inserted in one transaction at the Initial Load stage. If the value is 0 (default) the table is loaded in a single transaction.
Data filter – The set of the parameters to determine objects’ filtering (see chapter 7.9.6 Objects Filtering for the details).