In order to configure Oracle Database select “Oracle” under “Database Type” and enable “Source” or “Target” or both flags under “Database”:
Connection Type – There are two possible connection types – EZCONNECT and TNS. Depending on which one is chosen, there will be a different set of possible parameters.
Createlogdirs – The parameter determines if the ONLINELOG_DIR and ARCHIVELOG_DIR Oracle directories should be created.
Note: The ONLINELOG_DIR and ARCHIVELOG_DIR directories are used if the Capture Process is configured to extract changes in the “DirectLog” mode only (see chapter Overview of Data Capturing Methods for Oracle Database for the details).
If EZCONNECT connection type is selected the following connectivity parameters should be provided:
Server – Host name or IP address of the database server
Port – Database port number
DB – Name of either container or pluggable database. Valid only for Source Database and for any Oracle versions 12c-19c but excluding RDS instances.
Service Name – Database service name or SID
Tablespace – Name of the tablespace that the Repstance’s objects are to be installed in. The default is the USERS tablespace if no alternative has been specified.
Username – Database User name
Password – Database User password
If TNS connection type is selected the following connectivity parameters should be provided:
DB – Name of either container or pluggable database. Valid only for Source Database and for any Oracle versions 12c-19c but excluding RDS instances.
TNS Name – Name of the TNS alias
Tablespace – Name of the tablespace that the Repstance’s objects are to be installed in. The default is the USERS tablespace if no alternative has been specified.