The repcli tool can be used as standalone application to manage remote Repstance Server through the HTTPS protocol.
The tool can be found in the following directories, once the product is installed:
Or they can be downloaded from here:
These remote clients are only able to connect using the HTTPS protocol and are supplied with the following default configuration:
In order to use the repcli utility to communicate with the remote Repstance Server it has to be configured using the repcli command “configure”.
The following example demonstrates the command syntax:
$ repcli configure url=https://hostname:8797/ token=aws-instance-id verifyhttps=0
Note – The verifyhttps parameter should be set to 0 to avoid the Self-signed certificate error.
As the product is initially supplied with a Self-Signed Certificate it is highly recommended that the user replaces this with a security certificate of the required Security level themselves. The new certificate and key needs to be supplied to the Repstance Server and the appropriate entries in the /opt/repstance/conf/repstance.conf file need to be edited to reflect these changes:
Using this method, the default HTTPS port can also be changed by modifying the port parameter.
The default token used to access the server can also be changed by modifying the token parameter in the same file.
If the user wishes to prevent any external access, the port parameter should be set to value 0.
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