Home / Repstance User Guide / PROCESS CONTROL COMMANDS


There are four commands that are used to control the Capture and Apply Processes. They are:

  • run
  • stop
  • status
  • reset

Each of these commands except “reset” can be used to control a single Process, a group of Processes or all Processes. The default is to run “All” the Processes that are available to be run, stopped or get the status of, if no additional “Parameters” are specified.

The syntax used for these commands is:

repcli run|stop|status [process=(capture|apply) [id=processID]]

Here are some examples of using run command.

This command will “run” everything (all existing Capture and Apply Processes):

repcli run 

This command will “run” all Capture Processes:

repcli run process=capture

This command will “run” a single specified Capture Process:

repcli run process=capture id=1

The command format is identical in use for both the “stop” and “status” commands.

See the following for the details:


The “reset” command is used to instruct the Process to  start from specific LSN/SCN or after some LSN/SCN. See Reset Apply Process for the details.


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