For data replication Repstance uses two type of processes, they are Capture and Apply. The Capture Process extracts data from the Source Database and puts it locally, while the Apply Process inserts the captured data into the Target Database. The Apply Process can also modify data or/and data definition if the appropriate transformation rules are configured.

On the Capture Process configuration stage the following items are specified:

  • Capture Process Name and ID
  • Source database connection details and capturing method
  • Tables to be replicated and type of the replication (DML, DDL)
  • Tables to be synchronised if required
  • Global transformation rules if required
  • Parameters to specify data extract behaviour

The following items are specified for the Apply Process:

  • Apply ID
  • Name of the Capture Process that provides data
  • Target database connection details
  • Local transformation rules if required
  • Filtering rules if required
  • DDL processing behaviour
  • Various parameter to optimise the process

The process is created by “prepare” command (see Prepare Capture Process and Prepare Apply Process) and can be modified by the “alter” command (see Alter Process). The “remove" command (see Remove Process) is used to delete Process configuration and Process related files and unregister the process in database. The “validate” command (see Validate Process) is used to verify that all the necessary objects needed for a Process exist.




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