SQL Server Database Configuration
In order to configure SQL Server Database select “MS SQL Server” under “Database Type”and enable “Source” or “Target” or both flags under “Database”:
The following parameters should be provided:
- Server– Host name or IP address of the database server
- Port– Database port number
- DB– Database name to be connected to
- Username– Database User name
- Password– Database User password
- Housekeeping – This parameter determines how the CDC data will be cleaned up. The possible values are:
- 0 – data will be cleaned up by an SQL Server job only,
- 1 – install Repstance job to clean up data only after extraction and keep SQL Server cleanup job, which is a time based CDC setting,
- 2 – install Repstance job and remove SQL Server cleanup job, data will be cleaned up only by the Repstance job.